Please send email to the address below with any corrections or suggestions for this FAQ. I cannot promise you that I will get to your suggestions immediately. But, I will consider all suggestions and will do my best to implement your ideas. Thanks. Tim Poulsen (
This document, its contents, and its Web representation are Copyright © 1996 Tim Poulsen. You are hereby granted the right to distribute paper or electronic copies of this FAQ provided they are used for non-commercial purposes including, but not limited to, educational events, club events, ATM gatherings, and to disseminate this FAQ to ATMs who do not have access to its original form on the Internet.
Please let me know when you are going to distribute the FAQ under this condition. I would like to know how and when the FAQ is being used. And also, I might have a newer version available for your use. If you have corrections or improvements to the FAQ, please share them with me so that they can be distributed to any mirror sites as well.
You may not: charge for the distribution of this document, other than to recover direct and immediate costs of distribution (i.e. the cost of the floppy disk on which you distribute it), distribute this document for profit, for fund-raising purposes, or as part of a for-profit product or event without prior, written permission from Tim Poulsen.
I have marked this document copyrighted for a couple of reasons. First, according to U.S. and international laws, anything that you or I write is automatically copyrighted, so my statement of that fact only recognizes what the law already declares. Second and more importantly, I have written this FAQ for the benefits of the ATM community. I do not want anyone or any company to benefit financially from this FAQ. By copyrighting this document, I put on notice all companies and individuals that they are not allowed to use this document for any commercial, fund-raising, or for-profit purpose.
See the copyright information page I created for more information on copyrights.
Finally, I have to include some disclaimers here, if for no other reason than for my peace of mind. Here goes:
All names, product names, trademark names and so forth are properties of their respective owners. The FAQ maintainer, author, and list members who contributed to this document do not make any sort of claim on those names or products.
This information is provided as-is. While I have made every effort to ensure that the information presented in this document is correct, accurate, and up-to-date, you must assume all responsibility and liability for using any of the information in this document or implied by this document. I cannot be held responsible or liable for any damages or inconsequential damages incurred due to information included, incorrectly noted, or omitted from this document.
I do not have any association with any sites linked to from these pages and provide links to them only as a convenience. I cannot attest to the accuracy, correctness, or applicability of any of the information you might find on these sites. I do not make any claims on content provided by these other web sites.